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A Better
At-Need Solution

Partner with Afterlife to offer a compassionate payment option that benefits both your business and the families you serve

Dedicated to dignity, respect, and affordability

Why Partner With Us


Improved Conversion Rates

Offering afterlife's payment options can improve your close rate. Splitting payments into smaller, more manageable amounts can encourage more customers to complete their purchases.


Gain a
Competitive Edge

As Buy Now, Pay Later becomes more popular, offering these payment options can give your cemetery or funeral home a competitive advantage over those who don't. It's becoming a standard expectation among many consumers.


Reduced Risk

Afterlife assumes the risk of non-payment. Once the purchase is made, the cemetery or funeral home gets paid upfront by afterlife, which then collects the installments from the customer. This arrangement reduces the financial risk for our partners.


Improved Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction

Flexible payment options can enhance the customer experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Happy families are more likely to choose an establishment that satisfies their needs, leading to more future purchases. This also increases referral rates, as happy families tell others.

How Aftlerife Works

A Caring Alternative

Covering funeral costs can overwhelm families during an already difficult time. They often scramble to gather funds quickly, using high-interest credit cards or taking out loans for last-minute payments. Our service provides a compassionate solution - we ensure your funeral home receives prompt payment, while offering families interest-free financing for a burden-free experience. Afterlife's process is seamless and quick, accomplished in 4 simple steps that usually take less than 15 minutes from start to finish.

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